Are you or a loved one addicted to opiates? Are you or a family member taking Suboxone/Subutex?

Take my Quiz! How silky are you?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A few of my favorite links!

At this time are:

Get you free Democrat sticker:

Get free tickets for you and one other person on Museum Day:

Info on the Ferber Method:

My beautiful Lily:

Funny blog entry on breastfeeding in public that I got from my friend Natalee:

and the MOST HILARIOUS thing I've seen in awhile:


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yeah, that is friends with three big, fat, question marks. Why? Because when you become a Mom, friends seem to slowly dwindle. The friends you used to take long car rides with and sing at the top of your lungs to your favorite songs with, the friends you got into trouble with, the friends who were your bridesmaids, the friends who swore they would never leave your side......

Doesn't take long for many of them to leave your side, does it? I know it's not like this for everyone. However, for those of us who got married young, had kids in their early twenties or maybe even late know what I'm talking about.

I have one friend who I can still call my good friend after all these years. A friend who I can count on to come to my kids birthday parties, a friend I can count on to be there when I need to talk. And no matter how many kids I have screaming in my ear, I'll always be there for her as well.

I can't forget to mention the friends I have made as a result of beng a Mom though. These friends mean the world to me. These are the ladies I talk to every single day. These are the ladies I talk to about everything, the ladies who have laughed with me, cried with me, and have been there for me in so many ways.

While many of us complain that we are losing friends when we have kids, maybe those friends aren't worth it. Actually, they AREN'T worth it. Your family life and new mom friends are your life now. As you change so do your friends. It's a part of life we all need to accept. No matter how much it hurts.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I Can't Stop Thinking About It

Why do bad things things happen to good people? I remember my mom had a book with that title when I was younger. A copy was given to her by someone very shortly after my dad died and I remember being 8 years old and looking at it just sobbing thinking to myself and asking myself, why? Why does God let such awful things happen to good people?

And as I sit here tonight I wonder the same things. Friends dealing with crisis within their families. Families and my family dealing with death. Friends and family dealing with horrible people who want nothing but to make their lives miserable for whatever stupid reason. Myself dealing with crazy family, health, and finance issues that are allowing me to fall into a state of emotional wreck.

But, a good friend gave me some great advice recently. God gave us eyes in the front of our head so that we can look forward and not back. The quote is not exact but very similar.

So as I sit here, ready to throw in the towel, ready to give up. Ready to go back into my bed and sob as I try to sleep....I remember that what I'm going through is nothing compared to what some others close to me are dealing with. I have to have a plan. I can't let myself keep looking back. I have to move forward. With or without those who are holding me back. Life is too short.

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's Been Too LONG!

I have to stop neglecting my blog. But, alas, I have been busy. Busy removing toxic people from my life, from my groups, from stalking my friends, etc. Busy with a toddler that is getting her molars, and two boys who claim to be ever bored on their summer break. (I have to admit, it's been so hot it's hard to leave the house and the A/C! Is this the hottest summer ever, or what?) Busy trying to keep myself going and on track with tapering from my Suboxone and getting myself back to "normal".

The one thing that never ceases to amaze me is how incredibly ignorant and immature some people can be. In just the past day I have witnessed bullying, stalking, ignorance, and women who have WAY too much time on their hands. Don't you people have children to care for? Oh yeah! I forgot they must take a back seat to online feuds (insert puke face and yawn face here!)

On to the GOOD stuff! My daughter, my beautiful daughter! She is dealing with an undiagnosed (for now) speech delay. We have EI coming out on Aug 3rd for the eval. for their speech therapy program. I'm excited. I'm excited to learn some new tips to get her talking sooner and getting some interaction with others besides us. It will be great for her. Robert was an early talker, Tyler was a late talker but at the time I wasn't online and his doctor wasn't overly concerned with it so I dealt with it. And no worries, when he was about 3.5 yrs old he started talking and to this day, never stopped. My only worries with Lil are her sensory issues combined with her not talking. I'm going to be very relieved to have a professional involved.

So maybe now that toxic people are going to be removed and vacation is upon us....NC for 4 days! WOOT BABY! (except for the 9 hr car drive, No WOOT on that one! UGH!) It's gonna be a blast. And much needed. Many upcoming things to look forward to as well as Robert is looking forward to Cub Scout camp next week. I never hear the end of it. I'm just proud of him for being a scout. That's my little man!

Stay tuned for my Paying It Forward entry coming soon!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The 10 Commandments of the Shultz Home

If your a mom you know that there are very certain things that make your home run smoothly. Things that dare not be messed with, and also things that we wish would happen. And even though we know that they would make things so much better, it's a hassle to get everyone to abide by them. But, either way, they are things us moms know are right!

Here are my Ten Commandments for our home. Things that will make our lives easier. Well, my life anyway. Heck with everyone else, if mama ain't happy, no body happy.

#1. Thou shall pick up after your messy ass self. Put your dishes in the sink (or even better yet the freaking dishwasher!), socks in the hamper or washing machine, and for heaven's sakes, the kitchen table is NOT a trash can!

#2. Thou shall threat all three children equally. If one child gets 2 oreos, the other two children must also get 2 oreos. If you pour a glass of milk, all of them MUST have the same amount in each of their cups or the world will come to an end. And if one child loses a tooth and the tooth fairy visits and leaves that child a dollar, then the tooth fairy is ALWAYS smart enough to leave 50 cents for the other sibling, just for being a good sibling. Otherwise the whining of "it's just not fair!" will echo in your house for the rest of the day.

#3. Thou shall worship no other woman. I am the queen of your life. Mother and wife of the Shultz home. See the intro where it is stated "if mama ain't happy, no body happy"

#4. Children- For five days you shall labor, work hard at school and get good grades. On the 6th and 7th days you shall play and stay up late and eat all kinds of crap.

#5. Husband- For seven days you shall labor.

#6. Thou shall not lie. If you do and I catch you, there will be hell to pay.

#7. Thou shall not ask me for anything before I have had at least one cup of coffee in the morning. And if you do, be prepared for foot stomping, sighing, and bitching.

#8. Thou shall keep your room clean and free of mess, clutter, and food. A clean room, and a made bed makes a very happy mommy.

#9. Thou shall be a Phillies fan, and an Eagles fan.

#10. Thou shall honor your mother and father.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not Just a Mom...

First, let me apologize to the few followers I have. I have been seriously neglecting my blog. I not only have my personal blog, but also my entries for Philly Moms Blog. When you get depressed (like I have been) for whatever reason, things just don't flow like they should when it comes to blogging and writing. Things however, are starting to look up. Rob has found a position with a temp to hire company doing commercial painting, so I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed.

This entry is taking a lot of guts for me to write. Lately these days I have been struggling with the fact that being a mom isn't the only main thing in my life. I also struggle daily with Diabetes and addiction.

My struggle with Diabetes started in July of 2006. I started out on just Metformin, a pill. In October of 2007, I became pregnant with my daughter, Lily. I didn't have insurance at first so my first trimester while i was waiting to get on Medicaid I was just watching my diet and staying on Metformin. As soon as I saw the DR and got blood work i was immediately started on insulin due the extreme highs of my sugars.

My Diabetes has been up and down since then. I am now on insulin and pills. I hate that it rules my life. The worst feeling is being sooooo hungry and craving meat and carbs , but your blood sugar is over 300. It's impossible to satisfy any cravings or hunger at that point. So, that makes you miserable, and so does the high blood sugar.

I have to test several times a day and constantly be aware of what is going on with my food and sugars. Its no fun. When my blood sugar gets high I feel awful. I really do. It takes away from having fun with my kids and being active and energetic, like every mom should be. It makes me feel guilty.

The other demon I struggle with is addiction. It's something I rarely talk about. If you are reading this you probably had no idea. I used to be addicted to pain pills. Well, i still am but I am in recovery now. You know what they say, once an addict always an addict. That's why we are called recovering addicts. I started on Suboxone last May when I got to a point in my life when I couldn't take it anymore.

I hid it well for years. Probably hid my addiction for about 5 years. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to make anymore excuses. I didn't want to lie. I wanted to wake up and feel normal with out shoving 6 Percoset down my throat as soon as I opened my eyes.

I finally called a Suboxone doctor in May of 2009. It not only changed my life, it saved my life. If I had never had the guts to pick up the phone that day and call, I really don't know if i would be here. So much of the pain I have dealt with in my life I have chased away with pain pills, and it was getting to the point where i was taking so many to chase that pain away I could have killed myself.

So, those are two things I deal with on a daily basis, in addition to being a mom of three and a wife. Some days lately it all seems like too much. But, I know I am strong. I know I can do this. I know I can be better. I have three kids counting on me to do so. I know God won't give me more than I can handle.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's Ok to Be Crunchy But Not ok To Be Silky?

Apparently it's OK to be crunchy. Because being crunchy means you care about the earth. You do your research on vaccines and modern medicine. You do your research on CIO, and co-sleeping.

But, if you are silky and proud of it you are labeling yourself and dividing yourself from other moms. You haven't researched vaccinations if you give them to your child. You are automatically just blindly letting Dr's do whatever they want to your child.

Well, wait a gosh darn minute! Guess what??? I went to school to be a medical assistant. I took classes on Pharmacology and Diseases. Classes on Micro-Biology and Anatomy. I have worked in the field. Tell me again I have not done research, I dare you.

I have done enough research to know that co-sleeping is dangerous and can cause death and SID. But, I have also co-slept, the correct way, and now I CIO with my daughter. I have researched the Ferber method and researched CIO. I don't just stick my daughter in her crib and let her scream for hours.

Moms who parent alike automatically gather together. They feel most comfortable with other moms who agree on their parenting styles and choices. It's not labeling and being cliquey it's being human. And it's life. Let's just accept each other for who we are and how we parent. At this stage of the game you aren't going to change anyone's mind. Let it be, let it be. Let it be, oh, let it be......

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Feeling Lost

I have to say that being stressed out probably burns more calories than chasing after my daughter on the playground. I know this because I am exhausted. I am mentally, emotionally, physically exhausted. I want one week to be stress free. I want one week where I don't have to worry about money, bills, food, medication, whatever. I almost typed children, but then I realized in an instant that I love worrying about my children. Even though they drive me absolutely bonkers they get me through my most stressful times.

I have a tough week ahead of me. We are getting down to the wire with my husbands unemployment. His UC runs out in three weeks. I got accepted for mine but it's not a lot. Not enough for a family of five to live off of. Time for Rob to buckle down and find something, anything. I'm ready to get out there and find something. My resumes are going out and I am constantly searching but not even a phone call is being received. Rob has been working part time but it's not steady work and it doesn't have benefits.

This blog post is more therapeutic for me than entertaining for you, my readers. To you all, I am so sorry for that. Nothing witty to write this week. No humor to share with you. No rants about crazy militant crunchies. No making fun of people who refuse to use shampoo....

I feel that once I get through one day this week I will be peeling a layer off. When I get to Friday and have peeled off five layers of stress and fatigue, I am hoping to feel relived and renewed. I will spend a lot of time this week praying and meditating, asking god for strength. I will still wake up each day with a smile for my children and the strength to push through even though I feel like I want to kneel down, or collapse and sob. just release it and let everything out. But, I can not. I am Mom, I am wife, I am every one's support.

Hope you all have a great week. I'll meet you back here in a few days with something uplifting, witty, and or interesting. I promise!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Part-time Single Mom

My husband has been doing some part time work, which is excellent! The only draw back? He travels to do it and is gone for three (to probably even fours days this time) at a time. Those three days I spend home alone with the kids. So technically no, I'm not single....just feel like it for those days due to parenting by myself.

Lily's behavior stays the same when dad isn't home. If anything, she is easier because she knows she can get her way with dad so she isn't as whiny when he is away. But, the BOYS!!! Oh the boys.... UGH! Every single time my husband goes away we all have the talk about how they are to act when he is not home. When dad is away, the boys think it is time to play. And I don't mean my boys aren't allowed to play....they just run around like banshees! Constantly on each other, and screaming, and running, and wrestling. Robert's nine year old attitude comes to a head. Tyler becomes extremely clingy and whiny. He wants me to do everything for him. He wants me to decide what he should eat, what he should wear, what he should watch...

This morning I sent them out to the bus stop five minutes early, in the pouring rain. I had enough. It was only 8 am and I had already been yelling at them to leave each other alone. Stop running in the house. Stop throwing things. Stop hitting each other. Stop with the whining. Stop with the attitude!

I'm not an easy mom. I don't let everything go. So I wonder why they act up like this? I know they don't act this way for other people. They behave excellent in school. So, I guess I'm doing something right if they only act this way for me....
Aren't I?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Clearing something up

Im very pro breast feeding. I was upset last night as you can tell because I went to a blog that had thousands of follower and the woman was literally a nut case. I love breast feeding it is wonderful and I am very jealous that I couldn't do it longer. It was making me miserable and my daughter miserable. With Tyler I was on medication and with Robert well same as Lily. It has just always been hard for me. That is all.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I Don't Get It

There are lots of things I don't get. The number one thing is why there are crazy ass women out there who have thousands of followers on their blog. I guess it's all about who you know. just like everything in this world.

Seriously, I'm trying on this blog, I really am. But I guess the whacked out home birthing, Nazi breastfeeding, I am holier than thou women just attract more blog readers. Hey, you wanna home birth, whatever, your choice. My good friend and I can give 100 reasons not to. The biggest one your baby's life. And hey, you wanna think you are better than us cause you breast fed your child till he was 6? Fine, whatever. But don't come crying to me when your kindergartner is talking about how tasty breast milk is at the lunch table. What ever happened to mainstream being popular, seriously?????

Saturday, March 20, 2010

So, I have been neglectful!

I have been neglecting my blog. Things have been crazy around here and my best ideas are put towards my submissions to Philly Moms Blog. After all I am waiting for someone to notice me and my writings so you can understand that I am sure.

Today Tyler finally got to go on a play date with Adriana, his best friend from school. I was nervous for him and me... I had never met her mom. All turned out well, Adriana is such a sweetheart and her mom is too. We had a great time and after an hour and a half of the kids running around we had two very tired kids on our hands. Well, make that four. She brought her younger son and I brought Lily. I know Lily is pooped when she is just standing hanging on the swing and not running in circles. She never stands still. We wore those kids out. By the end Adriana and Tyler were asking to lay in the shade and rest! LOL

Right now at home we are on the great cell phone hunt. Last time I saw my cell phone was Thursday night, or maybe Wednesday night. I don't know my days are blending. Lily grabbed it off the table and I have not seen it since. We are assuming the battery is dead by now because we text it and can not hear it. We tore the house apart. Everywhere you or a toddler could possibly think of, we have looked. I'm sure one of these days Lily will find it and bring it to me. I'm hoping it happens sooner rather than later. I can not afford a new cell phone!

The family is LOVING this warm weather. We ventured to Rita's today for some free water ice for the first day of spring. Ha ha! The lines where insane! The parking lot was mobbed! you gotta be crazy to stand in that line with 3 kids, one being a hungry toddler! We went across the street and got ice cream instead! Happy spring everyone!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Robert's Birth Story

My baby turned nine on Friday Feb 26 . In honor of his birthday I decided to share my birth story. Even though it was nine years ago, some of it feels like yesterday. This growing up thing he is doing is happening way too fast.

I was 20 and pregnant for the first time. It was 2001 Rob and I were married in Sept 2000 (when I was 4 months preg) and we had only been together for a year on Valentines day 2001, which also happened to be my due date for Robert. (Yes, we did everything very fast!) lol.

My due date of Valentines Day came and went. I wasn't having any contractions and I wasn't even dilated. Robert was really comfy and didn't want to come out, so the Dr set the date of Wed. Feb 26 to induce me if I hadn't gone into labor yet. Tues. Feb 25 Rob and I made a big steak dinner, it was delicious. At this point in the days leading up, Rob had taken me for bumpy rides, lots of sex, spicy foods, everything that was 'supposed' to induce labor. Obviously nothing had worked. So after our big steak dinner we tried going to bed early. Rob slept but I couldn't. I was so excited and very nervous. So I just stayed up and got everything ready for the next day.

Around 4 30 am I woke up with contractions. They were coming steady about 5 minutes apart. I know now that they were just Braxton Hicks and not the real thing, but being a first time mom I had no clue and was panicking. I was supposed to be at the hospital at 7 am for induction but ended up going at 5 30 because of the contractions. So they got me all hooked up and told me the contractions weren't strong enough so they had to continue with the induction and started me on evil pitocin, lol. The contractions were coming closer by lunch and getting more painful, the nurses kept telling me to get up and walk but I didn't want to. It was getting too painful, so they gave me some drugs through the IV, they knocked me out and I was able to get some sleep. I was about 4-5 cm around lunch time. I don't remember the rest very well. I remember getting an epidural and it didn't work, I still felt everything, so they gave me more drugs through the IV and tried the epi again but it still failed. So here I was at around 4:30pm at 10 cm, induced by pitocin which makes it more painful and my epi wasn't freaking working. I was pushing and pushing and nothing. I was screaming at everyone, I told Rob "This is your f***ing fault", "get the f**k away from me, I hate you, you did this to me". It was the WORST pain ever, ever, ever. The nurses kept telling me how to breathe and I kept telling them to get out of my face. LOL. I found out afterwards that I was screaming so loud I made a mom in the next room to me cry cause she was so scared! Ha ha!

So, my Dr was standing outside the door listening to me scream and push and it had been an hour and when I finally screamed at the top of my lungs (this is one of the only things I remember from pushing), "Get this f***ing thing outta me!!!". She came in and used the vacuum because his head was stuck. I remember her suctioning it to his head and using all her body weight to pull him out while I pushed. I remember thinking "that b**ch is gonna rip his head off!"

Finally, he came out. I have no idea how she caught him because she was using all her force to pull him out with the suction vacuum thingie, but she did, and handed me my beautiful cone headed little man at 5:31 pm. I cried and cried and cried. I started nursing him right away and I will never forget the feeling of finally having my little man in my arms. It felt like the whole world stopped and the only thing that mattered and was moving was me and my baby. I never knew I could love someone so much and so unconditionally.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

On your mark, get set.....

When I see a first time pregnant mommy what I really want to say instead of "Congratulations!" is "Welcome to the competition!". Over the next 18 years you will be in constant competition with other parents whether you realize it or not. First it's my baby was 9lbs, theirs was only 7. My baby rolled over at 4 months, their baby rolled over at 3 months. What am I doing wrong? Then it's who sits up first and why isn't my baby walking yet? Their baby is 18 months and can say 20 words, my baby is 19 months and can only say 8. That's just the beginning.

School age children get into sports. You will be watching the other kids and wondering what did you do wrong because their son can catch every fly ball, but even after hours of practice in the back yard your son only catches 50% of them. But it's OK because the other boys mom said he got a 70% on the spelling test in school on Friday, but your son got a 100% and we even forgot to study.

I'm wondering what it's going to be like when my kids are teenagers. Will it get worse? Stay the same? Or maybe there won't be any competition at all?!

I know some of you are thinking 'That can't be me, I'm not like that...' You may not realize it, but I think if you are a good caring parent you are. Who doesn't want their child to succeed and be the best. I'm not talking crazy here folks. I don't mean the parents who are screaming at their child on the sideline of the soccer field. I don't mean the parent who expects nothing less than an A in class. I'm talking about the natural instinctive thinking of 'My baby is so much cuter!' or 'My son is the best artist in his class' It seems like parenthood is a race sometimes. Constantly seeing who's child can do what first or better. But, I now realize I want this time to last forever.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When it rains....

it usually pours. Especially when its a day in the life of a mom. Am I right ladies?

It was early one Tuesday morning, I was off from work that day and looking forward to sleeping in an extra hour or so. Next thing I know, I went from dreaming about breastfeeding in a mall in Ohio(I live in PA and wasn't nursing at this point) where people were staring at me cause I had lost my pants..... to my husband flying through the air, landing on top of me with the hot coffee he had in his hand spilling all over my head and pillow. He starts moaning and whining about how he tripped over the bed because he was running to the bathroom and here I am, awoken from my slumber to 200 lbs and hot coffee all over me. You know when a day starts like that its just gonna go downhill from there.

Fast forward to bumping my head two times while trying to get Lily in her car seat. I had to run an errand. I had gotten the boys off to school and needed things at Wal Mart (which I now try to boycott, btw). I ended up standing in line at the pharmacy for 25 minutes with a whining toddler and the elderly lady behind me telling me her life story and giving me 'tips' on how to raise well behaved children. For 25 minutes!!!! Yeah, thanks lady. As I got closer to the front of the line Lily let one explode in her diaper! It was loud and it was smelly and it was my fault because I gave her a big sippy of apple juice in the car. The smell was flooding the air and I was getting looks from the innocent bystanders in line with me. Was I going to get out of the 25 minute line to change my kid? HELL NO! Suck it up people, its just baby poop!!

I decided after all that I couldn't take any more and I would just call it a day and Lily and I would chill at home with daddy. I came home to a sick daddy and a call from the school nurse that my oldest was vomiting and to please come pick him up. So much for relaxing. I spent the rest of my day on vomit and poo patrol.

Finally, dinner was over (for those of us not vomiting anyway) and it was time for bed. My feet ached along with my neck. A nice long hot bubble bath was calling me. But, so were the boys so that I could read them a story. As I was reading, with Lily in my lap and sitting on my sons bed, all three children fell to sleep. It was perfect and peaceful and had never happened before. Watching them sleep I realized right where I was, was better than any hot bubble bath. I can have a crappy day, it can rain and pour on me all day but my children will brighten everything just being them. I wouldn't trade the job of being a mom for anything in the world.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Results of The 3 Night Sleep Challenge

So, if any of you moms or dads out there need to get your child to sleep, you can hire me! I should seriously market myself! It went great. I do have to admit though, that its gonna take more than 3 nights to get it consistent.

Night one, as I posted before, Lily woke up a couple times and I only gave her water once and she fussed herself back to sleep.

Night two, she slept through.

Night three, she woke up a few times and I just let her go and she was able to fuss herself back to sleep.

Last night, night four, she woke up around 1 am screaming an awful scream. This wasn't her usual cry, it was her I'm VERY hungry cry. She didn't eat well yesterday so I did give her milk, just about 4 oz. I didn't even use the Ferber method because I knew it wasn't a normal, fussy, sleepy cry.

So, moving to one nap a day has definitely worked. I need to make sure she has a full belly and keep up with our new bed time routine; bath, Elmo video, then bed. Working like a charm so far.

Now if I could only get Rob's ass in gear to finish her room so we can have ours back!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The 3 Night Sleep Challenge

It has begun. The 3 nights that will hopefully change the way Rob and I sleep. Oh yeah, and Lily too, of course. She is the one who rules the roost around here. Or as the boys say, "she's the boss"!
Lily is a horrible sleeper. I blame it on Rob. She falls asleep great but she just can not stay asleep. Since I was working, Rob would get up with her at night (when I first went back to work she was sleeping through the night steadily). Once she started waking again around 13 to 14 months old, he would just give her a big ol' bottle of milk and tuck her back in. She became used to this and now its a nightly battle. Its to the point now she just wants human contact at night and not even a bottle. She wants to rock, play, be held.
I am laid off so this past week of getting up with her at night has been unreal. I feel like I have a newborn again. I even found myself rocking her for 45 mins. one night until she fell back asleep. So, this morning after a very long night that included arguing with my husband in the middle of the night about why she is not sleeping and how to get her to sleep, I decided enough is enough. Thus, the 3 night sleep challenge was born. I am very positive that I can train her to sleep through the night again in 3 nights.
This is night one and she went to bed at 7 30pm. She woke at 10 30pm crying a fussy cry. I am doing a Ferber type method so I waited 5 minutes and went in and filled her bottle with water (no more milk in the middle of the night). I didn't pick her up and she was mad about that. She let me hear it for about 5 more minutes. It seems she has settled back in with her bottle of water. Looks like it's gonna be a long night.... to be continued..... sleep tight everyone.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Since when is non-mainstream the norm?

Since Jenny McCarthy started hitting the airwaves with her fake boobs and fake knowledge of vaccines and autism? Since the computer gave crunchy moms a screen to hide behind while they make regular every-day moms feel like crap for wanting to bottle feed or use a swing? Since it became trendy to be crunchy?

With my first son I was worried about getting disapproving looks for breastfeeding in public. With my daughters birth in 2008 I found myself laying on a hospital gurney waiting to get my tubes tied and the lady laying next to me felt it was important to lecture me on the importance of breastfeeding and how mothers today just don't care when they pick up that bottle of poison (formula). Yes, this really did happen.... I also got asked if I will be pumping when I went back to work. Along with many other crazy very personal questions about my breast milk and whether or not I had drugs during my labor.

Im all for saving the earth, but since when is it better not to use shampoo?! Yes, you heard that right. That's the newest thing Ive heard anyway. Not using shampoo because of the chemicals in it. I'm sorry but if I have to smell your stank when I'm sitting next to you at my sons school play I'm gonna be pissed.

Mainstream moms lets turn this around! Lets make mainstream OK again. Lets make it popular again. Lets get the word out that it's OK to formula feed when you just cant take one more second of your baby screaming because they cant latch right. That it's OK to put your baby in the swing so you can get 20 minutes to yourself. That it's OK and healthy to circumcise your boys! That it's very very OK and it will save your child's life if you vaccinate them. AND.... Please, please, please, for heavens sake, friends don't let friends NOT use shampoo ;-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

What I am most passionate about....

In my opinion as a mom of three and having training and worked as a medical assistant, vaccinating is the single most important thing you can do for your child. Vaccinating does not cause autism, vaccines save lives. Yes, as with any medicine there are risks and side-effects that can affect a small number of children. However, the chance of your child getting the disease is much greater than them getting a reaction. Personally I'd rather my child get a fever or a rash than measles, HIB, or Polio.

(As for the flu shot... if you get the shot, it is a dead virus. Any illness you get after receiving the shot is pure coincidence. It is impossible to get sick from the shot.)

It has been proven by scientists and doctors that that vaccines do not cause autism. I don't need to list links here you can google "vaccines save lives" and you can even find pro-vaccine pages on Facebook. Actually the Pro-vaccine page on Facebook is my favorite. They have links to lots of great research proving that vaccines save lives and do not cause autism and other things. Check it out.

I have had a personal experience I'd like to share with you. When I was 2 years old I came down with Epiglottitis. Upon doing research when I was going to school to be a medical assistant I found that Epiglottitis is caused by HIB (haemophilus influenzae type B), but at that time in 1982 a vaccine for HIB was not available like it is for our children today. I had to be rushed to the hospital because my throat closed up and I could not breathe. I had to have an emergency Tracheotomy. The antibiotics I had to be on were so strong and one of the side effects of them were that they cause weakness in teeth. When I was 6 I had to have 8 teeth pulled at once. I have bad teeth to this day. Not to mention the scar on my neck as well from the trach. Not to mention thinking about what my parents went through. I cant imagine the horror.

The debate on vaccines makes absolutely no sense to me and it never will. If there is something simple you can do to save you child's life and keep them from getting a horrible disease, why would you not do that?