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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Since when is non-mainstream the norm?

Since Jenny McCarthy started hitting the airwaves with her fake boobs and fake knowledge of vaccines and autism? Since the computer gave crunchy moms a screen to hide behind while they make regular every-day moms feel like crap for wanting to bottle feed or use a swing? Since it became trendy to be crunchy?

With my first son I was worried about getting disapproving looks for breastfeeding in public. With my daughters birth in 2008 I found myself laying on a hospital gurney waiting to get my tubes tied and the lady laying next to me felt it was important to lecture me on the importance of breastfeeding and how mothers today just don't care when they pick up that bottle of poison (formula). Yes, this really did happen.... I also got asked if I will be pumping when I went back to work. Along with many other crazy very personal questions about my breast milk and whether or not I had drugs during my labor.

Im all for saving the earth, but since when is it better not to use shampoo?! Yes, you heard that right. That's the newest thing Ive heard anyway. Not using shampoo because of the chemicals in it. I'm sorry but if I have to smell your stank when I'm sitting next to you at my sons school play I'm gonna be pissed.

Mainstream moms lets turn this around! Lets make mainstream OK again. Lets make it popular again. Lets get the word out that it's OK to formula feed when you just cant take one more second of your baby screaming because they cant latch right. That it's OK to put your baby in the swing so you can get 20 minutes to yourself. That it's OK and healthy to circumcise your boys! That it's very very OK and it will save your child's life if you vaccinate them. AND.... Please, please, please, for heavens sake, friends don't let friends NOT use shampoo ;-)


  1. Hey,
    It's Amandad7 from BBC. Just had to comment because I totally agree!!! I mean personally, I'm going to everything possible to brestfeed, but I ended up having to formula feed with my son BECAUSE I couldn't take the fight any longer. But with everything else, I completely agree! Glad I'm not the only one!

  2. Amanda hey! Thanks for posting!

  3. Amen! I totally agree.

    "AND.... Please, please, please, for heavens sake, friends don't let friends NOT use shampoo"

    This made me LOL! :)

  4. lol I loved this post! so true and ITA

  5. So true! Natural does not always equal better. Especially when I have to smell your natural-ness.

  6. Um, not using shampoo does not mean you don't wash your hair! Clearly, you don't know enough about non-mainstream living to make assumptions. No 'poo means washing your hair with safer, natural alternatives to harsh chemicals. Please stop judging if you don't know what you're talking about. Those of us who identify ourselves as "crunchy" get a lot of crap from people every day for being "weird" and "hippy". Mostly, its because people don't know what they are talking about! I respect that you have your own opinions and that you should make your own choices, but it seems that you made this blog to show that "mainstreamers" should not be judged unfairly, and yet you judged "crunchies" based on false information! If you don't want to be falsely insulted for your choices, don't do it to other people.

  7. I guess I would classify myself as crunchy. I would have to agree with Eliza. Before I had my son I was as you say “silky.” I ended up eating my words after doing tons of research on issues that were important to me. After researching, my husband and I decided raising our son in a very non-mainstream way was the way to go. I have been the one who is always the odd man out even with my family. I was in a moms group before we moved and they knew how I raised my son and still felt the need to tell me what I should and should not do. You just have to do what you feel is right in your heart for your family. Being a mom is hard enough. We all need to stick together “silky” or “crunchy.”
