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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When it rains....

it usually pours. Especially when its a day in the life of a mom. Am I right ladies?

It was early one Tuesday morning, I was off from work that day and looking forward to sleeping in an extra hour or so. Next thing I know, I went from dreaming about breastfeeding in a mall in Ohio(I live in PA and wasn't nursing at this point) where people were staring at me cause I had lost my pants..... to my husband flying through the air, landing on top of me with the hot coffee he had in his hand spilling all over my head and pillow. He starts moaning and whining about how he tripped over the bed because he was running to the bathroom and here I am, awoken from my slumber to 200 lbs and hot coffee all over me. You know when a day starts like that its just gonna go downhill from there.

Fast forward to bumping my head two times while trying to get Lily in her car seat. I had to run an errand. I had gotten the boys off to school and needed things at Wal Mart (which I now try to boycott, btw). I ended up standing in line at the pharmacy for 25 minutes with a whining toddler and the elderly lady behind me telling me her life story and giving me 'tips' on how to raise well behaved children. For 25 minutes!!!! Yeah, thanks lady. As I got closer to the front of the line Lily let one explode in her diaper! It was loud and it was smelly and it was my fault because I gave her a big sippy of apple juice in the car. The smell was flooding the air and I was getting looks from the innocent bystanders in line with me. Was I going to get out of the 25 minute line to change my kid? HELL NO! Suck it up people, its just baby poop!!

I decided after all that I couldn't take any more and I would just call it a day and Lily and I would chill at home with daddy. I came home to a sick daddy and a call from the school nurse that my oldest was vomiting and to please come pick him up. So much for relaxing. I spent the rest of my day on vomit and poo patrol.

Finally, dinner was over (for those of us not vomiting anyway) and it was time for bed. My feet ached along with my neck. A nice long hot bubble bath was calling me. But, so were the boys so that I could read them a story. As I was reading, with Lily in my lap and sitting on my sons bed, all three children fell to sleep. It was perfect and peaceful and had never happened before. Watching them sleep I realized right where I was, was better than any hot bubble bath. I can have a crappy day, it can rain and pour on me all day but my children will brighten everything just being them. I wouldn't trade the job of being a mom for anything in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I HATE days like that...but you are so right, there can be that one sweet moment in the midst of it all and you remember why it's all worth it.
